woensdag 23 april 2014

IDCleaner 1.005 -- Removes Identifying information from Wearables, XML, and J2C


Release 1.005
Cleans more identifying info -- avatar names done when exporting right off another avatar (DS), are created as partof the name of the shapes, tatoos, and alphas. This version looks for <avatar name> shape, skin, tatoo, and alpha, and changes it to Anonymous Resident.

Release 1.002
A few J2C files could still be damaged

Release 1.001
Fixed: 1.000 could damage J2C files.

Note source and exeutable.. the .exe is bin/ReleaseNoDebug/IDCleaner.exe
EXE MD5=4d97bffd4d5dc9b3f16011e09a7cce0a


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KingGoon. Mogelijk gemaakt door Blogger.